Sunday 18 August 2013


Did you know that in many provinces and some territories a NUANS report is required when you wish to incorporate a company in Canada.   The NUAN is frequently also required when registering other types of business names such as sole proprietorships, partnerships and operating trade names.  

Many people think that all you need to do is think up a name for your new company and then order a NUANS Report.  This is only half true.  It is very important to first have the name pre-cleared.  If you were to pick a name that is exactly like another name already registered, your NUANS report would be rejected.  
NUANS reports are obtained through search houses and it is important to pick a search house that will pre-clear your name prior to obtaining the NUANS report for you.

Friday 2 August 2013

Ontario Master Business License | Ontario Sole Proprietorship

ON sole proprietorship registrations are issued an Ontario Master Business License when they are registered.  Ontario NUANS reports are not required to register Ontario sole proprietorships but it is recommended that the name be pre-cleared regardless in order to confirm the name is not being used by another business.  It is important to have a distinct and different name.

Thursday 1 August 2013

Ontario Business Registration

Ontario Business Registration is simple in Ontario.  The Ontario government does not require a NUANS Search for Ontario when registering a business in Ontario, however, it is advisable to obtain one.  It is important that the name you choose for your Ontario sole proprietorship, partnership or operating trade name is distinct and different from any other name in not only Ontario but in Canada.  

Incorporate in Ontario

Ontario is one of the easiest places to register a new company.  Name granting is fairly easy and the government puts the onus on the person wanting to incorporate an Ontario company to ensure the name they have chosen is correct.  It is advisable to have a specialist assist you in order to ensure that your proposed name is pre-cleared properly and most search houses will do this as part of a service when you order an Ontario NUANS report.    As well, specialists will know what clauses are required in your articles of incorporation.  The Ontario government will not inform you of these clauses.